Developed in conjunction with children's charity Barnardos, the Max e-Grants programme provides assistance to support individual or small groups of children so they won't feel isolated or left out of activities due to social or economic disadvantage beyond their control.
Schools and early childhood centres may nominate children aged from four to 18 years old for a grant. The types of grants we fund for individuals or small groups are for school books and stationery, uniforms and equipment, special tuition, and subsidies enabling children to join their class on excursions and camps.
The latest grant round is now closed. The next grant round will open in Term 3, 2025.
If you have already received a grant, you can find instructions on how to finalise and report on the outcomes of the project here.

Equipment and resources

Excursions or camps

Extracurricular activities

Teacher support or tutoring

School or sports uniforms
Hear from our awesome sponsors
Thanks to the support of our generous supplier sponsors, OfficeMax is able to help create opportunities for Kiwi kids and their families who are struggling to provide learning resources for their children.
How Max e-Grants are being used
Schools and parents report that the Max e-Grants is providing opportunities that have ongoing positive effects on children’s lives.